Editorial – Summer 2023

119, 115, 112, 110…..These numbers should be our blood pressure not the temperatures in the city. But they are. The heat this year pushes us into hibernation. We can’t call our friends in Michigan or Illinois and brag about our weather as we did in February. Many of us who came here for the dry climate are experiencing humidity that can be felt in every bone. Thankfully, we have our community and the gift of a new Parochial Administrator, Fr. David Kulandaisamy. You can begin to know about him through his interview in this issue. With Fr. David at the helm, St. Elizabeth Seton begins a new chapter, one of community involvement, cooperation, and building. The future is now open to even more possibilities to make St. Elizabeth Seton even greater than before.

We invite you to savor their work in this late summer issue. Learn about our saint of this issue, Edith Stein. Welcome the new Grand Knight Robin Clark, save the date of September 16th for the first parish-wide Trifecta, bringing together a car show, craft fair and pancake breakfast. Consider the good work of our St. Vincent DePaul through their back-to-school program and clothing drive. Reflect on a staycation at the Casa, and on the End of the Road, a poem by Helen Steiner Rice. And thanks to our bulletin request asking for additional writers, we welcome three new authors, J.C. Vega, Rick Losey, and Elise Miller. The interview of Rick Losey, first of the three is in this issue as well as his first article. J.C. Vega also contributed an article on a topic which is too serious to be ignored.

In Fall, we will present the remaining two of our new writers, a book review on Cardinal Francis George, OMI, preparation for Advent, Saint of the issue, Success of our first Trifecta, and many more interesting articles by and about our faith community. Until then, find a quiet place to open this late summer issue of The Family Seton and enjoy the interesting articles and past experiences that our community enjoyed even while the sun was at its brightest, and the heat….well you know..

Praying for rain and cooler temperatures,

Deacon Sal


One thought on “Editorial – Summer 2023

  1. Thank you Dcn Sal for being the inspiration of this news letter. It is a joy to read. Thanks to all those involved in its production and content. Blessing to all of you

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One thought on “Editorial – Summer 2023

  1. Thank you Dcn Sal for being the inspiration of this news letter. It is a joy to read. Thanks to all those involved in its production and content. Blessing to all of you

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