A Sweet farewell for Sister Mary Beverly; Vaya con Dios (Go with God)

by Joan Zombek

On the beautiful feast of Corpus Christie, the Holy Spirit gathered the St. Elizabeth Seton Parish family to celebrate Sr. Mary Beverly, a Parish Visitor of Mary Immaculate and an inspiring presence in our parish since 2020. We invoke His blessings as she returns to the motherhouse in Monroe, New York at the direction of her mother superior. Sister confirmed that the “greater need” is for her to continue her vocation in New York City. Sister will spend the summer “refreshing her soul and body” in the lush, green expanse of Marycrest in preparation for her next assignment with Holy Family Parish in Fresh Meadows (Queens) in the Brooklyn Diocese. Sister will take up residence in her order’s Bronx convent and become a New York City commuter in September.

Sister and I had a lovely visit to talk about her life in Arizona. As a newcomer to Arizona and St. Elizabeth Seton, I wanted to learn about Sister’s experiences as a cherished and respected presence in our parish. She first commended the Phoenix Diocese for the cordial and collegial relationship among clergy and lay staff, comparing it to a family working collectively and cooperatively to serve the faithful. I could hear the tenderness in her voice as she talked about using her Spanish-language skills to serve adult survivors of childhood abuse in “Grief to Grace.” As Facilitator of Evangelization in our parish, Sister participated in many parish ministries. She counted among these being a member of the nullity team (which confidentially assists Catholics who are going through the annulment process), marriage preparation, and Cursillo. She recalled fondly the home visits she and Fr. Killian made during the pandemic in 2020. Sister enjoyed getting to know our parishioners, the “face of Christ,” and coordinated/trained the “Ministry of Care” team who bring Holy Communion to homebound parishioners and residents of local adult-living facilities. She proudly reflects that the women and men of this ministry have made it “their own.”

Sister Mary Beverly’s “farewell feast” was lovingly organized by the Parish Council and the Knights of Columbus, with Racheal, Jane, and Tina working alongside Robin and the brother knights. Delectable cuisine of every description provided by parishioners highlighted the dining event. Clergy in attendance were our own priests and deacons along with Fathers Tom and Killian (our former pastor), At the conclusion of the meal, clergy and parishioners were eager to voice their esteem and appreciation for Sister’s gifts and talents and for her generous sharing of those gifts with us In Deacon Jeff’s words, “Sister Mary Beverly has touched each and every single one of us in such a compassionate and loving way, so Christlike . . . .” Officers of St. Vincent de Paul, the Parish Council, The Seton Society, and their members praised Sister’s influence in their work, and the Knights pledged to come to Sister’s assistance “wherever she may be.” Father Killian honored Sister with a “beautiful poem in that wonderful, Irish, limerick style:”

There was a young Japanese Sister
Just nobody could ever resist her
There’s nun other like Beverly
Her smile is just heavenly
Visiting homes ‘til her feet were all blistered
Sister blister together

Unanimous among clergy and parishioners alike were profound feelings of reverence and appreciation for having been honored by Sister Mary Beverly’s loving presence among us, and her guidance and service to us. Unanimous also are the feelings of sadness at our separation from a beloved friend. Sister, the St. Elizabeth Seton Parish joins together, not to say: sayonara, au revoir, auf wiedersehen, do widzenia, aloha, or adios, but vaya con Dios, Go with God. As Fr. Williams eloquently expressed: “We will deeply, deeply miss you . . . someday we will meet in our Father’s house.”


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