Editorial – Winter 2022

By Deacon Sal Lema

We transition into the first week of ordinary time in 2022; but this publication of The Family Seton is anything but ordinary. You will find so many interesting and entertaining articles that you will give a smile, and an inquisitive, “I didn’t know that” comment. Yes, our Winter issue is chock full of happenings, greetings, and introductions that you will want to take your time to read every line.

Deacon Sal Lema

Our first issue was met with such wonderful reception that we more than doubled the size of this publication. Now, each of our main articles are accompanied by a side-bar story that relates to the original. The side stories may be a simple as a prayer for vocations or RCIA names of candidates to pray for; or it could be an invitation to join a new ministry.

Remember Becky Schlofner? She was a member of our parish from 2010 to 2016. She sang in the choir. Then she moved to Pennsylvania. Read her article as she writes about, The Virtual Church.

We are so blessed to have many priests, deacons, and religious at our parish who share their gifts and talents. For those of you who have just arrived for the winter, you may wonder who these people are. In this issue, we highlight Sr. Mary Beverly, Deacon Jim Brown and our very own seminarian, Andy Geerling.

There are almost 40 articles, podcasts, recipes and “I didn’t know that” information about our wonderful St. Elizabeth Seton parish in our Winter publication.

Many of you have asked about how to send a particular article to a friend. We solved that for you in three ways. Above every article to the right are three tabs to send this article through Facebook, Twitter or email. Just press the media outlet you wish and pass on this story to your friends and family.

I could go on and on, but I would rather you enjoy reading the issue; a product of our Pastor, Fr. Kilian McCaffrey, our talented writers and staff; as without them this edition could never have been completed. So, pull up your easy chair by your computer, or rest your phone on the table and enjoy all that we have provided.

Stay safe and healthy. Look forward to our Spring issue this April.

Until then, keep the fires burning in your heart.


2 thoughts on “Editorial – Winter 2022

  1. Very well done. Informative and enlightening. Keep up the good work. How some information on our priests i.e. Frs.Bill, jimT and G

  2. Deacon Sal, today at 4:00 Mass, Fr. Kilian asked if there were any writers or people that wrote poetry. I have a binder full of my inspirational poetry that I have written thru the years, if you would be interested in my submitting one to you for your approval.
    Dee Staub

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2 thoughts on “Editorial – Winter 2022

  1. Very well done. Informative and enlightening. Keep up the good work. How some information on our priests i.e. Frs.Bill, jimT and G

  2. Deacon Sal, today at 4:00 Mass, Fr. Kilian asked if there were any writers or people that wrote poetry. I have a binder full of my inspirational poetry that I have written thru the years, if you would be interested in my submitting one to you for your approval.
    Dee Staub

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