Fr. Kilian came to St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church (SESCC) in July, 2017. By then the Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday devotion had grown from a small home devotion to needing a bigger venue. Prior to Fr. Kilian’s arrival the previous pastor allowed the use of the church. On October 7, 2017 we had Bishop Olmsted come to SESSC to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions with a full church, followed by our Fatima devotion and a potluck lunch in the hall.
Before coming to SESCC, Fr. Kilian had a strong devotion to Mary. I recall many times he selected the optional mass readings on Saturdays for the Blessed Virgin Mary and wore his white Immaculate Conception vestment. Also, Fr. Kilian is the one and only pastor I’ve seen who leads the rosary before masses whenever he can. Fr. Kilian has always given his support to Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday Devotion. Before the pandemic quite a few people from other parishes attended our devotion. Back then after the devotion we had a session of DVD presentations titled, “The Bible and the Virgin Mary” with some light refreshments. Before the DVD was started there was time for people to chat. I recall one day a non-parishioner who attended the 8:00 mass and the devotion made a comment on how she was so impressed by Fr. Kilian leading the rosary before mass. She said something like she wished her pastor did that.
Fr. Kilian, we really appreciate all the times you led us to pray the rosary, and your support of Our Lady of Fatima First Saturday Devotion. We are saddened you are leaving us for your new assignment in the diocese and we wish you the best. Thank you for all you have done for us and our parish. May God Bless you and guide you in your new assignment.