A Message from Deacon Marty Pogioli

Fr. Kilian,
It was with great sadness that Barb and I received your call alerting us to your reassignment. You have been both a faith-filled pastor and a beloved friend to us and Barb’s mom, Eleanor. When we were introduced to you after the Saturday evening mass when we first attended St. Elizabeth Seton, you greeted us with a welcome that is a hallmark of your ministry. Your style infuses the parish and makes it a magnet for Catholics and for those who are searching for a faith community home. You constantly reach beyond the parish and serve the people of God in many selfless ways that challenge us to reach out beyond our comfort zone.
You welcomed me as a Deacon and encouraged me to use my gifts in ways I had not explored. We have worked together, prayed together and have enjoyed many special times together.
May God bless you in your new assignment!
Deacon Marty & Barbara Pogioli

The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you
and give you peace, now and forevermore.
From Deacon James & Betty Brown

Fr. Kilian made me feel welcome the very first time we met. It was like we had known each other for years. I like his humor. As an example, there was a time when I won a bottle of Crown Royal as a first-place prize. When I showed him the bottle with joy, he said in his dead pan way “the second-place prize was a case of Crown Royal.” Fr. Kilian has a way that brings out the best in me. I will miss you Fr. Kilian.

May the leprechauns dance over your bed
and bring you sweet dreams.
From Deacon Sal & Beth Lema Representing The Family Seton & Seton Classic

It seems that serving was a theme that ran through my first meeting with Fr. Kilian. The first time I met Fr. Kilian was at a mass, serving with him at St. Thomas More. The second meeting was at a Cursillo function, serving and celebrating with the Phoenix Cursillo movement. During my sabbatical in the fall of 2020, I was looking for ways to serve in some charitable capacity and was referred to St. Elizabeth Seton because they had a strong St. Vincent DePaul organization. I thought that, perhaps before I was reassigned, I might be able to assist them over the Christmas season. Well, the rest was God’s work. After contacting Fr. Kilian, he invited me over and explained his need, and for the next few months I became the volunteer administrative assistant, taking the place of the previous one who had left to help her ill mother. Father Kilian became my advocate helping me to find a home; in this case the home was here, yes, serving at St. Elizabeth Seton. Serving here with my wife Beth has been a joy.
Through Father’s leadership, our parish has thrived. New ministries have evolved and I have shared about them in this communication online newsletter, The Family Seton. This past February, the parish hosted our first car show, The Seton Classic. Beth and I wish to thank you, Fr. Kilian, for working in a collaborative way, making SESCC a better place for all of the community.
God’s blessing on your new assignment.

May the roof above us never fall in.
And may the friends gathered below it never fall out….
Message from Deacon Craig Reaktenwalt

I First met Father Killian when I moved to Phoenix to begin a new chapter of my Life.
It had to have been one of those Father, Son and Holy Spirit instances. At that time, I considered myself a Roaming Catholic, as I didn’t have a regular parish and I was going to different churches in the Sun City area where I had moved.
One Sunday, I came to St. Elizabeth Seton to try it out. I felt an immediate welcome, loved the choir, and the place felt like home to me, just like the parish I served back in Illinois. And to my surprise, Deacon Marty Pogioli, a fellow deacon from the Peoria (Illinois) Diocese, the same diocese that I had previously served in, was getting installed as Deacon. I nearly fell out of the pew! The rest is History. Have had Many blessings since. including serving on several Cursillos together.
Fr. Kilian, good luck in your new assignment. I will miss you!
GOD bless you always.

May peace and plenty bless your world with a joy that long endures.
And may all life’s passing seasons Bring the best to you and yours.
From Dcn. Jeffrey Arner, Director of Formation

Thank you, Fr. Kilian McCaffrey!
Over the last three years, I have been working with Fr. Kilian. It has been very much a joy. I met Fr. Kilian many years ago through a Catechesis of the Good Shephard training that we signed up for to be leaders in our parishes. Since coming to work for Fr. Kilian at St. Elizabeth Seton parish, I have seen a true compassionate side of Fr. Kilian that I think any parish community would benefit from. He genuinely cares for the people in their time of need. I have seen firsthand how he will drop what he is doing to go and anoint someone who is dying. He truly sees God at work when he administers the sacraments at mass and in emergencies. One of my responsibilities is facilitating a Grief Support group at the parish. I hear countless times how appreciative people are that Fr. Kilian spent time with them and their loved ones; how he doesn’t rush anyone who is in need and follows up after their loved one has passed. He cares so much for the community that he focused time in order to make sure that parishioners within local care facilities around the parish had an opportunity to receive the sacraments with a mass at least once a month.
I thank Fr. Kilian for the opportunity to serve with him and for his loving care for our community. My prayers are with you as you go on to do God’s service.

Always remember to forget the things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember the things that made you glad.
My wife Joan, now deceased, shared the warmth that you, Father Killian, shared with us. Thank You, Chuck Lundeen
i am maria sabater rounsavell of Fort Smith, AR. I’m trying to find my cousin, the daughter of Sotera Enriquez Sabater, a deceased parishioner of SSCC. We grew up together but she related more to my sister Diana being the same age. I lost touch with Tia Tering a favorite aunt when my husband a Peace Corps Volunteer and I were in the Philippines, working at UPLB until her death notice from my cousin. Please tell me her phone number.
Thank you for bothering you when you’re busy with your reassignment.
i am maria sabater rounsavell of Fort Smith, AR. I’m trying to find my cousin, the daughter of Sotera Enriquez Sabater, a deceased parishioner of SSCC. We grew up together but she related more to my sister Diana being the same age. I lost touch with Tia Tering a favorite aunt when my husband a Peace Corps Volunteer and I were in the Philippines, working at UPLB until her death notice from my cousin. Please tell me her phone number.
Thank you for bothering you when you’re busy with your reassignment.
yep, i don’t know how it happened nor how to delete one.