By Deacon Sal Lema
Don’t Let the Devil Spoil Your Fun!
It’s Summer! It’s Hot! What else is new? Don’t be trapped in the house with all the shades drawn watching reruns! Life goes on, break out of the house and have some fun. Bring your shade umbrellas and come to the Seton Classic Trifecta.
On September 16, 2023, from 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM in the cool morning hours, our parish will hold three events simultaneously, producing our biggest gathering since COVID. In conjunction with the Knights of Columbus, and St. Vincent DePaul, this Seton Classic Trifecta of entertainment will be sure to satisfy all your senses.
So, let’s celebrate the closing of summer with our parish Trifecta event. Outside in the east side of our parking lot will be rows of cars separated enough to allow the owners to use the space creatively while showing off their expensive vehicles. The area will have great music from the 50’s and 60’s to startup any engine in the hearts of car lovers.
Inside the cool air-conditioned parish hall is where you can find a $6 pancake breakfast, featuring golden brown pancakes, bacon, orange juice and coffee. After you have eaten your fill, you need not leave the hall to see the many tables with crafts all lovingly made by parishioners and friends. We expect more than 15 vendors to be present. If you didn’t know it, there are many talented people in our parish who make wonderful items for our homes. Whether it is a painting, a sign, a woodworking piece, or even a holiday item, they have been hard at work preparing for our show. This is your chance to find just the right item; to shop until you drop in the air-conditioned parish hall. No need to go any further.
It’s always fun to win a prize, so bring your spare cash and take a chance or two for one of the many, many raffle baskets available, and also the big money 50/50 raffle at the event.
We will have all the parking in the west lot available for us, and we also have permission to use the church parking lot adjacent to us for overflow parking. So come early, get a good parking space, and enjoy all that is available at our very first Seton Classic Trifecta!
See you then!
I’m sad I wi be missing this event because it sounds marvelous. It’s well.worth beating the heat to attend. Our Parish certainly does have some very talented and “crafty”ladies ? who will have beautiful and unique things to sell. Enjoy!!