By Joyce Voss
“Power of Prayer” is a phrase most of us have heard. Members of the Holy Spirit Ministry take these words seriously. St Elizabeth Seton parishioners benefit from their presence among us.
Shortly before Father Kilian became pastor, Maureen Kight, who had been participating in prayer meetings at Our Lady of Lourdes in Sun City West, was asked to conduct a Life in the Spirit Seminar at St. Elizabeth Seton Church. It was a one-day event with a team of 20 and 75 others in attendance. It was an introduction to the movement of the Holy Spirit, the power of God’s love. How openness to the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit and a reawakening to the love of Jesus Christ that is available to us was powerfully presented.
After such a dynamic day, those in attendance wanted more. Two weeks later prayer meetings began.
Father Kilian was appointed pastor in July 2017 and expressed a need for a Healing Prayer Ministry. He liked the work of the prayer meetings that had begun but thought some formal training from the diocese was necessary to meet the conditions required for a Healing Prayer Ministry. Training took place for about a year. Then on September 8, 2018, the Healing Prayer Ministry began. In early 2020, a Healing Mass including the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick occurred. Following the Mass, 30 people came with prayer requests. Four two-member teams were available, and each person was heard.
Then Covid hit and all meetings were shut down. Things opened up this past spring and monthly prayer meetings were held in June, July, and August.
As of September 7th, this Healing Ministry is now available in the library after 8:00 AM Mass on Wednesdays.
In the library are two-member teams. The team and the prayer requester move to a quiet area where there is a conversation about the request. Then one member prays silently for the request, and the other prays aloud. Other teams may be around the room doing the same thing. The length of each session varies. The time given for all the sessions is 8:45 to 9:45 a.m.
So, why would you or I want to meet with a prayer team? If you have a prayer petition of any kind, the prayer team will take your request for prayer seriously. Are there health issues, trouble in the family, concerns over jobs, friends, spiritual darkness, etc.? These are some of the categories that have been taken to prayer. If an issue grieves you, it is worth taking it to prayer.
Following the individual group sessions, at 10:00 a.m. an open prayer meeting occurs. The Holy Spirit Prayer Group gathering, to which all are invited, participates in praising and glorifying God in words and music. There is also a period of silent reflection and then teaching by one of the core team members.
If you have questions about this powerful ministry please contact Maureen Kight, 602-503-5379.
Coming in late winter, a Holy Spirit Seminar will be held at St Elizabeth Seton. It will meet on Wednesday mornings from February 15 to March 29, 2023. Mark your calendars!
Lastly, the Power of Prayer is real; it can change your life.
Beautiful poem.