By Art Major and Tom Kalchik, St Elizabeth Seton Knights of Columbus Council 12144
When Fr Michael McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882, he envisioned a group of men who could strengthen their faith through brotherhood. Today, the Knights continue that vision through its COR program. “Cor” is Latin for heart. The inspiration for this name is drawn from the expression “cor ad cor loquitur,” “heart speaks to heart.”
The COR men’s prayer group at St Elizabeth Seton parish includes all men – not just Knights. We meet on Saturday mornings at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall and conclude around 7:30 am to allow us to attend the 8:00 am Mass or move on to our Saturday activities

Because families need strong husbands and fathers, and the world needs courageous witnesses to Jesus Christ, COR provides men the opportunity to pray together, and strengthen their bonds of brotherhood, preparing them to be courageous Christian examples and leadership for their families and communities.
Here’s what some of the participants say about their COR experiences:
“When I came to this parish, Fr Killian was really pushing for a men’s prayer ministry. That struck a chord with me because one of the areas in the Church that has always been sort of left out is getting men together. So, I was looking forward to some kind of program. And lo and behold, along came COR,.” Said Phil Smith, Parishioner and COR member.
“I was looking for a men’s group. I had been in one at another church, but it was getting away from being Bible based and I decided I really needed to come home to my roots. When Deacon Jeff was getting COR started, I realized that’s really something that I need, and since being here, doing the studies, meeting the rest of the gentlemen involved, it’s not only encouraging, but it just helps me to develop a stronger faith. At work yesterday, I had a 20-minute conversation with a customer about the Bible. We were reading 1 John. Thank you.” (Michael Clark, Parishioner and COR member)
“I didn’t know what to expect when I decided to come”, said David Lindstrom. “I enjoy listening to people – their opinions, their experience, how that relates to my life as a Catholic. And there’s such a variety. We have people here that are snowbirds and people that aren’t. It’s interesting to listen to what other people have to say. That’s something that frequently we don’t do, we don’t listen. We talk a lot, but we don’t listen. And I think that’s important. And that’s one of the things about COR – everybody has the chance to say their thing, and everybody listens. That is a good thing.”
Parishioner, K of C member and COR member Tom Kalchik said, “For me, what I appreciate is listening because I learn a lot from what other men have gone through and realizing that I’m not the only one that’s gone through some of this stuff. And I’m not alone. So that’s been my biggest help here. Sometimes I share things with the group, but mostly I’m listening because that’s when I learn the most, when I’m listening.”

Steve Bollman, Founder and President of Paradisus Dei, the developer of the “That Man Is You” program, discusses the issue of leadership and the role of the modern Christian man in leadership.
Now, COR is incorporating That Man Is You into its program. TMIY is a national program designed to help men strengthen their spiritual life, form bonds of friendship and fellowship to strengthen our parish, facilitate a personal encounter and relationship with Jesus, and provide a long-term development of men’s ministry and ongoing formation.
We continue to meet on Saturday mornings at 6:30 am. The program includes a light breakfast, and a half-hour video followed by small group discussion. We are done around 7:30 am so we can go to 8:00 am Mass or get on with our Saturday schedules.
YOU are invited:
Do you need support?
- For your Christian role in your family
- To deal with a life changing event—death of a spouse, sibling, parent, child, divorce, loss of a job, etc.
- To improve your prayer life and relationship with the Hol Spirit
- To develop and strengthen friendships
Can you share?
- Your insights into your role as head of a household
- Your experiences in dealing with life changing events
- The ways you interact with God through prayer
- Some of your time to help other men
You can help yourself and other men on Saturday mornings at 6:30 am in the Parish Hall at St Elizabeth Seton. You can register for the TMIY program at If you want more information, contact Deacon Jeff at 623-866-5221 or
See you on Saturday!