By Alice Huth-Derrah
Upon meeting 12-year-old Luciana Ballesteros, it’s hard not to be impressed by her quiet self-composure. She is petite, possesses a sweet face and shy smile, and politely invites me to sit with her at the family dining table. It soon becomes evident that Luciana is a busy pre-teen. She participates in theatre productions, sings in musicals, and often assists as an altar server as well as a lector at the 11:00 Mass at St. Elizabeth Seton (SES), where many parishioners probably have seen this impressive young lady. When asked to describe herself, Luciana says simply “I’m good because God made me.” It’s a surprisingly insightful statement coming from someone so young, yet it demonstrates how remarkably mature and thoughtful Luciana is for her age. More to the point, it beautifully captures Luciana’s pure, hope-filled, and absolute faith in our Heavenly Father.
Luciana was born in Arizona and lives with her mom, dad, baby sister Valentina, Honey the family dog and Tom (the) cat. Except for her Baptism, she has received the Sacraments of Confirmation, first Communion and Reconciliation at SES. She is a wonderful example of a homeschooled student, never having attended public schools. Luciana begins each morning by completing “household chores” then launches into her studies with an impressive and varied schedule that often requires her to attend classes at other locations. She goes to theatre rehearsals, takes piano and voice lessons, and participates in weekly Catechism class, as well as receiving instruction in history, writing, science, art and math. Luciana astutely describes what she finds compelling about different subjects: she loves the storytelling in plays and likes to “see how the written story comes to life”, she enjoys instruction about “how the voice works” during her singing lessons, and she likes learning about the “many scientists that have contributed to the advancement of science and technology”. Luciana finds “reports and factual writing…a little more challenging,” though she enjoys writing, especially in the genre of fantasy, while her mom acts as “editor” for her written pieces. With a laudable enthusiasm for learning, Luciana says “I want to get better at learning…I’m eager to learn.”
The decision to volunteer at SES as an altar server came from Luciana’s desire to “serve the Lord in a physical way.” She became interested in being a lector after reading at her grandmother’s funeral. She received “compliments” afterwards and also had the opportunity to read at the family Masses at church where kids are encouraged to lector. Luciana “wanted to be an instrument of the Lord” and says she doesn’t feel nervous being in front of the congregation. Between her studies and her love of reading and impressive knowledge of the Bible, developing her personal gifts allows Luciana to demonstrate faith in action.
For someone with so much energy and interest in doing seemingly everything, Luciana finds it difficult to say what her favorite activities are, whether school-related or otherwise. What about technology or using your cell phone (I suggest)? Luciana tells me that technology is “good for entertainment, research, and definitely influences our lifestyles,” then adds “It should be a distraction not a lifestyle.” The only cell phone Luciana has is one she carries when she’s away from home and is “only for emergencies.” Always reflective, Luciana tells me “I’m loyal to my mom and dad…and I love my little sister,” and she clearly wants to serve the Lord in whatever way she can do so. In Matthew 18:3, Jesus says, “’I assure you, unless you change and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of God.’” Luciana can be a reminder to us all. We should have faith like this child.