We would like to thank Father Kilian for all of his generous support given to our Ministry. Father was the one that suggested we do the annual chili cook off and pie fundraiser. This has brought so much fun for our Parishioners. They look forward to it every year now. The generosity that our Parishioners give through this fundraiser aides so many “Neighbors in Need,”! Not only did Father initiate this fundraiser for us, he worked on it personally. Our first year he helped Emcee and auction off pies. Father was gracious enough to take a pie in the face to bring in the most dollars for the pie auction.
In the 2023 auction, Father took it a step further and not only again took a pie in the face, but offered up a dinner for 8 that he would personally cook and serve. This has been our highest profiting auction item to date. Through the food drives contributing his own donations, Father has always been there for us! Our last event with Father was our Commissioning of New Members. Father prayed over them and gave a very heartwarming speech.