By Beth Lema
Inspiration filled the sanctuary on May 1, 2022 as our Choir and Proclaimers joined together to present Prophetic Voices, music inspired by those challenging voices throughout our history.
Steve Raml, our talented liturgist, and his wife Teri were inspired with this idea to put together this great afternoon of music and writings, prayers and speeches. Our talented choir, musicians, and lectors proclaimed these words and voices as our hearts were filled with inspiration and emotion.
The historical voices of St. Thresa of Avila, Rabbi Hillel, Bishop Desmond Tutu, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Ade Bethune, Martin Luther King, Jr., St. Teresa of Calcutta and Pope Francis were proclaimed with enthusiasm and emotion. Musical selections and performances were flawless. Musical selections were taken from Steven Warner, Marty Haugen, Thomas Keesecker, John Foley SJ, and Chris DeSilva. Their lyrics and musical talents were emotionally performed by our choir and soloists with grace and tenderness.
As the crowd gathered that afternoon, you could sense that something special was about to be presented, and indeed it was. There was no mistaking the energy of the presence of God speaking through these voices; for those of us who attended this Spring afternoon concert, it brought the gift of Easter joy into our hearts and minds. For those of you who were not able to be there, we’ve attached pictures and a video of this special event below. Bravo!