Praying The Our Father

A Reflection on Mathews Gospel 6:5-17

By Gladyce Janky

Originally Posted June 20, 2024, Creighton U Daily Reflections (Creighton University Online Ministries)

The Lord’s Prayer, or the Our Father as my mother called it, has been a part of my prayer life for as long as I can remember. She believed it was the most important prayer we offer to God. It is also called “the summary of the whole gospel (CCC2761).” I understand St. Ignatius of Loyola suggested saying this prayer before beginning the Examen. Some days, this prayer is my Examen. Following St. Ignatius’ advice, I modify a few words to be drawn more deeply into a conversation with God.

Into the Arms of Jesus – fromjerryshearttoyours (

Begin by settling into my private prayer space.

Step One – Relish my day.

Our Father – helps me to put down the busyness of my day, focusing my attention and bringing me into conversation with the One who loves me unconditionally.

Who is in heaven – I feel the tensions leave my body, mind, and soul as I visualize a place where humans live in harmony with each other and all of creation. Psychologically, I slow down, easing into God’s space to be aware of God’s presence.

Step Two – Ask for God’s help.

Holy is your name – I ask the Holy One to reveal my day through God’s lens, trusting that Jesus will be with me to celebrate the blessings and offer comfort for the difficulties experienced.

Step Three – Review my day.

Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven – I notice the events of my day without judgment, such as: When did I surrender to God’s agenda today, or did I think I am somehow in charge? Do I trust God’s perfect plan will unfold at the “right time,” or did I lose hope thinking God might not be in charge?

Give us this day our daily bread – I notice the events of my day without judgment, such as: The “bread” I freely receive each day (shelter, food, clothing, freedom, the Gospel message, etc.), and I reflect on how I serve (or failed to serve) those who struggle for “bread.” I ask God to provide “bread” that fills each person’s needs.

Step Four – Repent.

Forgive my sins – I ask forgiveness for the damage I caused in my relationships today, especially my relationship with God. I consider how I am caring for the gift of life God has given me. I ask, how did I care for God’s creation today? I praise God for the gift of the day and ask forgiveness for all of my transgressions.

Forgive those I feel sinned against me – Who or what did I struggle to accept? What is it within myself that I hold tightly, refusing to release, and thus, distancing myself from God, myself, and others? Am I carrying something from my distant past? I ask for the grace to forgive.

Step Five – Turn my attention to tomorrow.

Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil – I notice what I have learned from this prayer experience. I ask for the grace(s) I need tomorrow to live into my true self in God.

End with an expression of praise and gratitude.

For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Praying the doxology, I praise, acknowledge, and express my unconditional trust and love for our eternal God.

The Lord is king; let the earth rejoice; let the many islands be glad. Ps 97:1

The steps of this Examen: Inspired by Fr. Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ’s text, Reimaging the Ignatian Examen, Fresh Ways to Pray from Your Day, Loyola Press, 2015 (3-4)


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