By Karen Boeck, SVdP
St. Vincent de Paul celebrated their annual Epiphany/Jubilarian Party on Saturday, January 7, 2023. The celebration began with mass in St. Elizabeth Seton Church at 4:00 pm with Father Kilian presiding. All Vincentians were seated together. During the mass Father Kilian recognized their work, making the mass a part of their celebration. The party then continued in the parish hall.
This year there were 22 Jubilarian candidates. They are: Bob & Pat Purtill, Kathy & Gary Harmon, Pat Bingham, Donna Correa, Lorraine Arcaro, Karen Boeck, Cindy Bossinger, Veronica French, Tom & Sharrill Jennings, Bill Brock (posthumously), Judy Brock, Dick Boivin, George Kelly, Mike Ward, Vikki & Jeff Rehberg, Barb Lavigne, Ann Bergstrom, and Chris Cubitt. Five of the Jubilarians honored were not able to attend. The total number of years for this group of 22 people totaled 371 years!
Father Kilian led all in a dinner prayer followed by a tasty catered meal. Beautiful decorations on the tables added to the festive mode of the evening, as all enjoyed mingling with their SVdP friends, spouses and guests. President Tina Prosenick and Father Kilian called the Jubilarians to the front of the hall where each first received a crown. They also received a beautiful cross necklace, and rosary purse. Then several members introduced each of the Jubilarians giving a small biography of their SVdP years, activity, and service. It was a very warm and wonderful event. Many pictures were taken to provide everlasting memories of this special event.
There were many who contributed to this event including the Vincentians, Seton Ladies, and Father Kilian. The Jubilarians thanked them for all their efforts. Many felt extremely honored and stated that they will remember this for years to come.