by Deacon Sal Lema
Welcome to our premiere issue of The Family Seton, our parish’s newest form of communication. Look for this publication to come out quarterly, with the next issue in January, of 2022.

For many years, I had the pleasure of working for the Order of Carmelites of the Most Pure Heart of Mary Province, whose main offices are located in Darien, Illinois. My office was in the National Shrine of St. Therese located on the campus. The shrine had many items about their saint, but one piece was especially significant to me; it was the cell door from her very cell in Lisieux, Normandy, France. You see, the Darien shrine was able to receive that door to be added to their cell recreation. And the cell was built only steps from the entrance to my office. The actual door was behind an entranceway, that was safely guarded.
Being the communications director, I was able to visit the cell many times. I touched that door, saw her tiny bed and wood floor as recreated there. Attached is a picture of that interior door, the one that St. Therese of the child Jesus touched so many times as she entered and left her cell.
So why am I telling you about this and showing you this door? Today, October 1, the day we premiere our newsletter, is also the feast day of St. Therese. She opened that door for me, through her many works, her story of the Soul, and her compassion as the ‘Little Flower’. Now she opens our door, the door to this communication piece, just as if she herself let us into the heart of Jesus.
We have the enormous task of walking in the shoes of this little saint, who opens the door for all of us to see the gifts of our patron saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton, for as her family we will spread the gifts she gives us with all who join us in this great community.
So, we begin The Family Seton newsletter through the intercession of St. Therese and with the guidance of our patron, St. Elizabeth Seton.
Keep the fires burning in your hearts.