By Sr. Mary Beverly Arao
What is Cursillo? The word Cursillo translated from Spanish means “little course.” The Cursillo Movement in the Diocese of Phoenix is focused to help each of us grow in our relationship with Christ. The immediate purpose of the Cursillo is to provide a foundation for the person to live what is fundamental for being Christian – experienced through the encounter with oneself, with Christ, and with others on the weekend. Participants are called to a Cursillo retreat through sponsorship of the parish.
Those who make these retreats are led to know Jesus in a new way in their lives, as they pray and participate with other retreatants in these “little courses.” During the weekend, retreat leaders which include Priests, Deacons, Sisters and Laity provide a sacred space set apart, to enable each retreatant to focus on Jesus and to help each to experience how he or she reflects Christ to another. Each discovers in a new way how each is part of the Body of Christ, the Church.
Every part of the retreat is run by the Cursillo Team. The retreat team is made up of volunteers who know that they are called by Christ to share His Life and the Gospel by virtue of their Baptismal commitment. The team consists of leaders, kitchen crew and cooks, group leaders, etc. The retreat includes several talks and exercises given by the team members during the weekend. Each retreatant or cursillista [kur-SEE-YEE-stah] is given tools needed to grow in a prayer relationship with Jesus, to look with Jesus at one’s personal life in the present moment, to practice living the Beatitudes of Jesus, while sharing Catholic community with other retreatants. All share in learning to live their Baptismal commitment in a new way during and after the retreat. The retreat provides the space and time set apart at Mt. Claret Retreat House in Phoenix, located near the base of Camelback Mountain. It is a place of beauty and holiness, and retreatants get to spend time here for the entire weekend. The retreat begins Thursday night and ends on Sunday evening. Does this remind you of the Easter Triduum? (Holy Thursday night to Easter Sunday). The Cursillo Movement (it’s all over the world) is made up primarily of ordinary lay men and women. It started in Spain in the 1940’s (thus the use of Spanish terms). Retreats are offered every year in English and Spanish in the Phoenix Diocese.
We are grateful to our Pastor, Father Kilian McCaffrey, for his inspiration, knowledge and active participation in the Cursillo Retreats!
The Love of Christ compels us (2 Cor. 5:14)