By Rick Losey
40 Days of sacrifice, focus and discipline to become closer to God. These are the steps taken to work on our relationship with God. They are also the qualities of those fine individuals who choose to serve and defend our country by serving in the military. I can remember how proud I was as a young boy when I’d see my family members marching in full dress uniforms. My heart was so proud that it was beating as loud as the bass drum banging away in the marching band. Then I started learning what it took to be one of those people.
As I got older, I also learned about what it takes to become closer to God by reflecting upon what Jesus experienced in the desert for forty days to become closer to God. After that came the joy and pride I experienced at Easter. I remembered feeling so much joy and pride in my heart that I wanted to tell everyone about what I had learned. Then, by the grace of God, a light went on and I remembered feeling those same feelings before. Joy and pride for something that made my heartbeat so full of inspiration: my God and my Country. I again reminded myself of what it took to do that and how I accomplished my passion for my God and my Country: SACRIFICE, FOCUS AND DISCIPLINE!