Editorial – Winter 2023

By Deacon Sal Lema

Sitting by my computer as I start to write this editorial, I listen to the song “Safe Home to You” by Paul Hillebrand. It was used for Fr. Jim Turner’s funeral. It was so calming to hear the words. As I reflect on how God has welcomed him home, I bid him safe home Fr. Jim… safe home.

The Family Seton staff on behalf of St. Elizabeth Seton welcomes all to our safe home; a place where we take refuge, spend a moment or so to pray and speak to our God. It may be at mass, during a rosary, or during a prayerful silent centered moment with our Lord. St. Elizabeth Seton is our home, our community, our connection with our savior.

On February 22nd we begin our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday. Steve Raml, our Liturgy & Music Director has spoken extensively about Lent in his article in this issue. Make time to read it.

Lent is an opportunity for us to grow closer to God. Each of us has our own way of answering our call to Lenten penance, be it giving to or abstaining from something in order to provide more room in our hearts for our Lord to peak in. Rather than change your pattern, I ask you to look beyond what you would normally do and add something new. Just one more way. Work at a soup kitchen on Fridays or find all those old warm clothes that you don’t use anymore and give them to a homeless shelter. Be Christ to a neighbor who lives alone and would welcome a friend or a warm meal unexpectantly given. Lent is as much about stretching our hearts for another as it is about piety of ourselves through prayer and sacrifice.

This issue will inspire you to reflect on A New Day, The Disputation of the Holy Eucharist and on St. Vincent de Paul’s service to our community. Learn about what the Cursillo movement is and why you should make a Cursillo retreat. Welcome Court Madonna who now joins our community. We celebrate St. Ignatius of Loyola, the saint of this issue, and so many other interesting and thought-provoking articles. You will want to visit The Family Seton site time and time again to read all that is offered. And if you are new to The Family Seton, visit the Past Issues link in the navigation menu above to read our previous articles all available to you.

And until our Spring issue arrives, I wish you a fulfilling Lenten journey and a Blessed Easter!


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